Job Hopping – 5 ways to make it a success for your business

Job Hopping – 5 ways to make it a success for your business

Job hoppers – the term used for someone who moves jobs every one to two years, are often frowned upon by hiring managers. Traditionally thought of as unreliable, a ‘flight risk’ to the business that will increase employee turnover and therefore directly impact revenue; or viewed with suspicion – why haven’t they been able to progress in their previous jobs?

However, this doesn’t need to be the case. The rise of Generation Y into the workforce has seen employees less likely to stay with an employer if there is something more attractive on the horizon, they are actively choosing to move jobs searching for higher salaries, career growth and travel.

Whilst employing serial job hoppers can be seen as disruptive for organisations, dismissing candidates from the recruitment process because they have a CV showing a history of moving jobs can mean an organisation is missing out on a potential new hire who brings with them a vast amount of diverse skills and industry knowledge, with the ability to adapt quickly and understanding of a variety of businesses.

It is worth bearing in mind that people leave companies for all sorts of reasons. These can include organisations shutting down, closing or moving their office to a far-away location; redundancy due to restructuring or downsizing as the company is not profitable; lack of progression available as their boss has sat in their position for 20 years; companies not paying salaries for months on end etc.

How to embrace ‘job hopping’ candidates and make it work for your business

  • Appreciate what a job hopper can bring to your business

Job hoppers are often excellent performers with a diverse skill set that make versatile employees. Typically, they are likely to be able to change organisations because they are often searching for better opportunities at an increased pace. With their dynamic skills and abilities, they can quickly learn new skills, are comfortable taking risks, are self-confident and are highly adaptable to changing working environments, management styles, and people.

  • Make quick decisions

Job hoppers will not stick around waiting for decisions to be made. During the recruitment phase, a delay in making a decision will put them off your organisation. A company which procrastinates at this early stage will raise alarm bells that the organisation is slow to react and be less attractive to a dynamic potential employee.

  • Improve employee engagement

Job hopping could be a repercussion of employee disengagement. The salary and workload may all be satisfactory to an employee but if they do not feel valued, able to impact the business and in control of their career you’re at risk of losing them.

  • Have a clear retention strategy

Once a new hire starts – give them a reason to stay. By creating a dynamic workplace with a clear plan for employees to progress, job hoppers will not need to look outside the organisation for their next move.

  • Remember no one is indispensable

Losing a member of staff can be disruptive and an expense, however nothing is being gained by having someone in the business who does not want to be there. Supporting somebody to better themselves and further their career outside of the organisation shows an openness and understanding that people have a diverse set of needs. As long as no bridges are burned, the ex-employee will take that positive attitude about your organisation with them leaving your business open to future opportunities.