The Candidate Experience

The Candidate Experience

A bad recruitment experience doesn’t just affect a company’s hiring process, it can also affect the bottom line and most importantly your company’s brand.

The business impact of a bad candidate experience

Whilst the current job market in the UAE is mainly candidate rich, there is still competition for the best candidates, as well as the very definite business impacts of a timely and efficient recruitment process.  Follow our simple steps to deliver an excellent candidate experience.

  • Commit to your vacancy and process

Work on your requirements up front so as soon as you advertise/instruct a recruiter you know for a fact that the vacancy exists, you have sign off from the hiring manager/budget holder and all agreed (but remain flexible) on the requirements.  This should limit the chance of the role going ‘on hold’ at the last hurdle

  • Respect a candidate’s time

Candidates prefer the hiring process to be delivered in the shortest timeframe and they need timely communication from employer’s side. When candidates choose to apply for your vacancy, they are spending time researching online, preparing their CV, applying on a job portal, often having to write a tailored cover-letter, traveling to reach your office, taking time off work, and the time taken during the interview itself.

On average it can take organisations 2 to 3 months to move candidates from application to hire. This is problematic because is it possible that the very top talent stays on market for only 10 days.

  • Communication is key

We find that the number one frustration for candidates during the overall job search is the lack of response from employers. An overwhelming 81% of candidates that the one main thing that would greatly improve their overall candidate experience is employers continuously communicating status updates to them. Candidates do not wish to be left in the dark, so be sure to communicate with your candidates regularly and on time, even the ones who were not successful.

  • The interview is the pivotal point

Get this stage wrong and it is not only the recruitment process that suffers – brand reputation is also damaged, potentially forever. Candidates talk to their friends about their experiences, and the bad reputation starts to spread. Asking valid and targeted questions depending on the level of the candidate, providing extra information on the corporate culture and the role are all imperative and can create a positive interview experience, as can office tours, facilitating meetings with leadership and being open and inclusive.

However, it is VERY important for the whole interview team to remember their manners – do not leave the candidate waiting in reception or take phone calls during the meeting and try not to reschedule too often. Remember interviews are two-way, and many professionals have not yet made up their mind about a role until interview stage.

  • Provide and listen to feedback

Whether the interview has gone well or not, timely feedback is imperative. Leaving a good candidate waiting could ultimately result in a lost candidate – but even if the candidate wasn’t suitable, according to LinkedIn’s research, an overwhelming 94% of professionals say that they want interview feedback to help them improve.

Feedback should always be two way – asking for feedback from candidates and recruiters will provide insights to help improve processes going forward.

By streamlining the process and simply treating candidates with the respect and courtesy they deserve, it is possible to deliver an excellent candidate experience that positively impacts a business’s bottom line, saves time and delivers a positive brand experience.